About Us

About Us


Northern Mississippi Bible Training Seminars seeks to glorify God and to serve His Church by providing higher education centered in Holy Scripture and shaped by the Church of God in Christ, Inc., thus, preparing faithful servants to proclaim Jesus Christ and spread scriptural holiness throughout the world.

General Objectives

  • To provide a foundation to build a lifetime program for more effective service. 
  • To present a general educational program which includes that knowledge information and experience deemed important for all students. 
  • To offer activities that will enable students to perform more efficiently.
  • To provide and promote health and physical maintenance. 
  • To demonstrate the Ordinances of the Church so that they will be properly administered at the local level. 
  • To show how to perform diverse ministerial duties by demonstrations such as funeral and burial services, marriage, dedications, speaking, etc. 
  • To elevate students to a level so that they can perform more effectively as leaders.

Specific Objectives

Upon completion of study the student will:

  • Have a working knowledge of the whole Bible.
  • Understand and appreciate the Bible as a complete library of God’s revelation of Himself to man.
  • Be able to do his/her in-depth study under the illumination of the Holy Spirit.
  • Become proficient in hermeneutical and research skills for personal and ministry purposes.
  • have a working knowledge of the MAJOR DIVISION, GREAT TRUTHS, AND THEMES of the Bible.
  • Receive the Bible (Old and New Testaments) as God’s verbally inspired, inerrant Word appointed rule for the measurement of life.

Providing Biblical Training Since 1972!

The Team


