Programs of Study
Level 1

This course focuses on the importance of Christian Communication and its connection to preaching. It emphasizes the basic communication skills: verbal and nonverbal communication skills; sentence structure; grammar; and comprehension.

Survey of the Old Testament
The goal for the students in this course is to be able to list in order the books that comprise the Old Testament; identify which books comprise the Books of the Law, History, Poetry, and Prophecy; describe the general themes of the Old Testament books; identify prominent individuals and events in the history of ancient Israel; discuss the work of the Holy Ghost in the Old Testament; and identify the trinity in the Old Testament.

COGIC Official Manual
The goal of this unit is to thoroughly examine the COGIC Statement of Faith (SOF), also known as the Affirmation of Faith (AOF). The SOF

Understading Bible Doctrine as Taught in the Church of God in Christ
The objective of this course is to guide the ordination candidates to an understanding of what theology is. The introduction places emphasis on the definition

Effective Stewardship & Time Management
This course will focus on the biblical principles of stewardship and how to apply them to effect an abundant life.

Survey of the New Testament
The objective of this course is to encourage the students to read the New Testament in its entirety; memorize the books of the New Testament; be able to spell the names of the books correctly; learn the introductory information for each book; and to properly interpret the different types of literature found though out the New Testament.

Leadership Principles
This course is a study of the dynamics of leadership as applied in the local church setting.

COGIC Women in Ministry
The rationale for this course is for students to understand the purpose, structure, function, and ministries of the Women’s Department and women ministries in COGIC.
Level 2

Finance Matters
The official definition of financial management is the strategic planning and managing of an individual or organization’s finances to better align their financial status to their goals and objectives.

Evangelism & Mission
This course will explore how to effectively spread the gospel in the local community and to the nation. It will examine the practical tools needed

Church Administration
This course will focus on the development of financial, operational, and managerial skills to support sound leadership and church practices.

The course will examine the doctrine of last things or as it is called, eschatology; address questions about the destiny of humankind and the fate

Practical Counseling for Clergy
This course will explore how to perceive and apply information. It will evaluate a person’s action and decisions; identify moral principles that govern individual or

Parliamentary Procedures
This course will teach basic principles for Order of Business, Motions, and Amendments; how to develop an Agenda or Order of Business; and how to format minutes for Meetings.

This course is a study of the dynamics of leadership as applied in the local church setting.

Steps to Sermon Preparation
The goal for the students in this course is to be able to list in order the books that comprise the Old Testament; identify which books comprise the Books of the Law, History, Poetry, and Prophecy; describe the general themes of the Old Testament books; identify prominent individuals and events in the history of ancient Israel; discuss the work of the Holy Ghost in the Old Testament; and identify the trinity in the Old Testament.